Thursday, October 18, 2012

Taiwan Coffee Hour October 2012

 Taiwan Coffee Hour on October 18th, 2012
Amy and Michael are from Taiwan.
Amy is an ELI student, and Michael is a full-time student.

 Coffee Hour was held in the Ratt at Wheeling Jesuit University.
 We set the time at 11AM on Thursday 
so that more people would come and enjoy knowing about different culture.

 Michael was presenter to introduce Taiwan.

Everybody who prepared for the Coffee Hour was so pleased 
many people attended and paid attention to different cultures.

Next Coffee Hour : Russia on November 29th, 2012

We offer two Coffee Hours each semester. 
If you have any question about the coffee hours or other events that ELI and international club offer,
please let us know.
 or call: 1-304-243-2412